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发布时间:2016-11-25 15:58

<div  class=contentbox>
<div class="content_nav"><span class="tt">IP/域名WHOIS查询</span></div>
<div class=toolitem>
<form action="" method="get">
IP/域名:<input style="height:26px;border: 1px solid rgb(126, 157, 185); background-color: white;" id="query" maxlength="100" size="44" name="q" autocomplete="off" type="text" value="<?php教程 echo $q; ?>">
<span class="backgroundbord"><button class="srh_onesearch" type="submit">查      询</button></span>
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/ad/mid.php';
  echo '<div class=contentbox>';
  echo '<div class="content_nav"><span class="tt">查询结果</span></div>';
  echo '<div class=topmenuitem>';
  // Server List File
  $config['server_list'] = "./whois/servers.lst";
  echo '</div>';
  echo '</div>';
  echo '<div class=contentbox>';
  echo '<div class="content_nav"><span class="tt">查询结果</span></div>';
  echo '<div class=topmenuitem>';
  //echo $sourcecode;
  preg_match('/(<pre><b><u>.*?)<div class="highlight" id="key">/s', $sourcecode, $ipwhois);
  echo $result;
  echo '</div>';
  echo '</div>';
  echo '<div class=contentbox>';
  echo '<div class="content_nav"><span class="tt">Error!</span></div>';
  echo '<div class=topmenuitem><p><font color=red>Error!</font>请确保你输入的不是域名(中文域名暂不支持)就是IP,你要是输入的是电话号码之类那我们真查不了!</p>';
  echo '</div>';
  echo '</div>';
  echo '<div class=contentbox>';
  echo '<div class="content_nav"><span class="tt">工具说明</span></div>';
  echo '<div class=topmenuitem><p>请输入IP或域名,如chaxun.la或xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx</p>';
  echo '</div>';
  echo '</div>';
function whois() {
 global $domain;
 if(!$server = get_server()) {
  $result = whois_request($server['server'], $domain);
  if(!$result) {
   echo "无法连接服务器";
   $he = strpos($result,$server['info']) + strlen($server['info']);
   $le = strpos($result, " ", $he);
   $whois_server = trim(substr($result, $he, $le-$he));
   $result2 = whois_request($whois_server, $domain);
    echo nl2br($result." 以下信息来自:".$whois_server." ".$result2);
   }else {
    echo nl2br($result);
  }else {
   echo nl2br($result);
/*function whois() {
 global $domain;
 if(!$server = get_server()) {
  echo "无法查询此类型的域名";
  $result = whois_request($server['server'], $domain);
  if(!$result) {
   echo "无法连接服务器";
  } else {
   echo $result;
function whois_request($server, $query)
    $data = "";
 if(!$fp = @fsockopen($server, 43)) {
  Return false;
 } else {
  fputs($fp, $query . " ");
        while (!feof($fp)) {
            $data .= fread($fp, 1000);
    //return nl2br($data);
 return $data;

function get_server() {
 global $config,$domain;
 $serverarray = file($config['server_list']);
 $i = 0;
 foreach($serverarray as $key=>$val) {
  if(substr($val,0,1) != "#") {
   $server_p = explode("|",$val);
   $server[$i]['tld'] = $server_p[0];
   $server[$i]['server'] = $server_p[1];
   $server[$i]['avail'] = $server_p[2];
   $server[$i]['infoserver'] = $server_p[3];
   $server[$i]['backserver'] = $server_p[4];
   $server[$i]['info'] = $server_p[5];

 $domain_c = explode(".",$domain);
 $partnum = count($domain_c);
 $last_part_1 = $domain_c[$partnum-1];
 $last_part_2 = $domain_c[$partnum-2];
 foreach($server as $key=>$val) {
  if($val['tld'] == $last_part_2.".".$last_part_1) {
   Return $val;
  } elseif($val['tld'] == $last_part_1) {
   Return $val;
 Return false;


if(strstr($q, " ")){
 $ulist=explode(" ",$q);
   $q2.=$domain." ";
 $ulist=explode(" ",$q2);

<div  class=contentbox>
<div class="content_nav"><span class="tt">Google PageRank查询</span></div>
<div class=toolitem>
<br><form action="" method="get">
<table style="vertical-align:middle;"><tr><td>
域名:</td><td><textarea rows="5" cols="40" style="border: 1px solid rgb(126, 157, 185); background-color: white;" id="query"  name="q" autocomplete="off" type="text">
 echo $q2;
echo "www.111cn.net tool.111cn.net down.111cn.net baidu.com google.com";
<input type="checkbox" name="sd" value="1"
<?php if($sd==1){ echo 'checked="checked"';} ?>
/> 查询二级域名PR
<br><input type="checkbox" name="t" value="1"
<?php if($t==1){ echo 'checked="checked"';} ?>
/> 鉴别真假
 <span class="backgroundbord"><button class="srh_onesearch" type="submit">查      询</button></span>
require_once '../ad/mid.php';
<div class=contentbox>
<div class="content_nav"><span class="tt">工具说明</span></div>
<div class=topmenuitem>
<p>请输入域名,如chaxun.la。<br>多域名查询请每行输入一个域名,域名没有个数限制!<br><font color=red>查询二级域名PR:</font>将查询该域名的二级域名的PR。(二级域名通过查询本站数据库教程获得,并不全面!)<br><font color=red>鉴别真假:</font>将鉴别该域名的PR是否是劫持其它网站的PR。</p>

 echo "<div class=contentbox>";
 echo '<div class="content_nav"><span class="tt">查询结果</span></div>';
 echo "<div class=topmenuitem>";
   echo '<span style="width=200px;text-align:right;padding-right:50px;">域名</span><span class="span_iframe">PR</span>';
   if($t){ echo '<span class="span_iframe_pr">鉴别真假</span>';}
   echo '<br>';
   echo '<span style="width=200px;text-align:right;padding-bottom:6px;"><a target="_blank" href="http://'.$ulist[$jj].'"><font color=red>'.$ulist[$jj].'</font></a>:</span><span class="span_iframe"><iframe" width=100% src="http://toolbarqueries.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&googleip=O;937&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&ch='.$ch.'&q=info:'.$ulist[$jj].'" width="82" height="20" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" class="iframe"></iframe></span>';
   if($t){ echo '<span class="span_iframe_pr"><iframe" width=100% src="tfpr.php?q='.$ulist[$jj].'" width="500" height="20" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"></iframe></span>';}
   echo '<br>';
    $sql="select domain from c_domainlist where topdomain='$topdomain' and domain<>'$ulist[$jj]' order by domain";
    //or die(mysql_error());
    echo '<span style="width=200px;text-align:right;padding-bottom:6px;"><a target="_blank" href="http://'.$row['domain'].'">'.$row['domain'].'</a>:</span><span class="span_iframe"><iframe" width=100% src="http://toolbarqueries.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&googleip=O;937&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&ch='.$ch.'&q=info:'.$row['domain'].'" width="82" height="20" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" class="iframe"></iframe></span>';
    if($t){ echo '<span class="span_iframe_pr"><iframe" width=100% src="tfpr.php?q='.$row['domain'].'" width="500" height="20" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"></iframe></span>';}
    echo '<br>';
   echo '<span style="width=200px;text-align:right;padding-bottom:6px;"><a target="_blank" href="http://'.$q2.'"><font color=red>'.$q2.'</font></a>:</span><span class="span_iframe"><iframe" width=100% src="http://toolbarqueries.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&googleip=O;937&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&ch='.$ch.'&q=info:'.$q2.'" width="82" height="20" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" class="iframe"></iframe></span>';
   if($t){ echo '<span class="span_iframe_pr"><iframe" width=100% src="tfpr.php?q='.$q2.'" width="500" height="20" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"></iframe></span>';}
    echo '<br>';
    $sql="select domain from c_domainlist where topdomain='$topdomain' and domain<>'$q2' order by domain";
    //or die(mysql_error());
    echo '<span style="width=200px;text-align:right;padding-bottom:6px;"><a target="_blank" href="http://'.$row['domain'].'">'.$row['domain'].'</a>:</span><span class="span_iframe"><iframe" width=100% src="http://toolbarqueries.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&googleip=O;937&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&ch='.$ch.'&q=info:'.$row['domain'].'" width="82" height="20" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" class="iframe"></iframe></span>';
    if($t){ echo '<span class="span_iframe_pr"><iframe" width=100% src="tfpr.php?q='.$row['domain'].'" width="500" height="20" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"></iframe></span>';}
    echo '<br>';
echo "</div></div>";
function get_pagerank($permalink){
 $gpr = new PageRank();
 return $gpr->ch("$permalink");

class PageRank{
// 7/25/2008 - Updated by Askie (http://www.pkphp.com/)
// 3/20/2008 - Updated by Roger Collins (http://www.rogercollins.com/)
// to remove graphing step

//PageRank Lookup v1.1 by HM2K (update: 31/01/07)
//based on an alogoritham found here: http://pagerank.gamesaga.net/

 //settings - host and user agent
 var $googlehost='toolbarqueries.google.com';
 var $googleua='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/1.5';

 //convert a string to a 32-bit integer
 function StrToNum($Str, $Check, $Magic) {
     $Int32Unit = 4294967296;  // 2^32

     $length = strlen($Str);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
         $Check *= $Magic;    
         //If the float is beyond the boundaries of integer (usually +/- 2.15e+9 = 2^31),
         //  the result of converting to integer is undefined
         //  refer to http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.integer.php
         if ($Check >= $Int32Unit) {
             $Check = ($Check - $Int32Unit * (int) ($Check / $Int32Unit));
             //if the check less than -2^31
             $Check = ($Check < -2147483648) ? ($Check + $Int32Unit) : $Check;
         $Check += ord($Str{$i});
     return $Check;

 //genearate a hash for a url
 function HashURL($String) {
     $Check1 = $this->StrToNum($String, 0x1505, 0x21);
     $Check2 = $this->StrToNum($String, 0, 0x1003F);

     $Check1 >>= 2;    
     $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFFFC0 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3F);
     $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFC00 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FF);
     $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3C000 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FFF);   
     $T1 = (((($Check1 & 0x3C0) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C)) <<2 ) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F );
     $T2 = (((($Check1 & 0xFFFFC000) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C00)) << 0xA) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F0000 );
     return ($T1 | $T2);

 //genearate a checksum for the hash string
 function CheckHash($Hashnum) {
     $CheckByte = 0;
     $Flag = 0;

     $HashStr = sprintf('%u', $Hashnum) ;
     $length = strlen($HashStr);
     for ($i = $length - 1;  $i >= 0;  $i --) {
         $Re = $HashStr{$i};
         if (1 === ($Flag % 2)) {             
             $Re += $Re;    
             $Re = (int)($Re / 10) + ($Re % 10);
         $CheckByte += $Re;
         $Flag ++;   

     $CheckByte %= 10;
     if (0 !== $CheckByte) {
         $CheckByte = 10 - $CheckByte;
         if (1 === ($Flag % 2) ) {
             if (1 === ($CheckByte % 2)) {
                 $CheckByte += 9;
             $CheckByte >>= 1;

     return '7'.$CheckByte.$HashStr;

 //return the pagerank checksum hash
 function getch($url) { return $this->CheckHash($this->HashURL($url)); }

 //return the pagerank figure
 function ch($url){
  $pr = 0;    // default return
     $ch = $this->getch($url);
  return $ch;

$pagecode = @file_get_contents("http://www.google.cn/search?q=info:".$q);
 //   if($pagecode){
// break;
// }
  preg_match('/<cite>(.*?)//', $pagecode, $googlepr);
  if($q==$googlepr[1] or strstr($googlepr[1], '.'.$q) or strstr($q, '.'.$googlepr[1])){
   echo '<font style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">√</font>';
  }elseif($q<>$googlepr[1] and $googlepr[1]<>''){
   echo '<font style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">×</font>,此网站可能劫持'.$googlepr[1].'的PR!';
   echo '在Google搜索info:'.$q.'无信息!';
 echo "获取Google信息失败!"; 

class deleteFile{
 public $dir ='111cnnet/';
 function deldir($this->dir)
   $rdir = $dir;
   if($dirlist = scandir($rdir))
    foreach($dirlist as $d){
     $rd = $rdir.'/'.$d;
     if(isset($d) && is_file($rd)){ 
    return false;
     return true;
$delete = $this->deleteFile();

$action = $_GET['action'];

$auc = new auc();

if ($action == 'uploadfile') {
 $auc = new auc();
 $result = $auc->upload("file");
 if (is_array($result)) {
  echo 'Something Went Wrong';
  echo '<pre>';
  echo '</pre>';
 } else {
  echo 'All OK';
} else {
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>advanced Upload Class - Demo</title>
<form action="auc.demo.php?action=uploadfile" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input name="file[]" type="file" /><br />
  <input name="file[]" type="file" /><br />
  <input name="upload" type="submit" value="Upload File" />
<?php  } ?>



class auc {
 public $errors = array(); //array used to store any errors that occur.
 public $upload_dir = ''; //the upload_dir being used by the script
 public $make_safe = false; //default don't modify the file name to safe version
 public $max_file_size = 1048576; //Max File Size in Bytes, 1MB
 public $overwrite = false; //default don't overwrite files that already exsist
 public $check_file_type = false; //don't check for file type by default but can check for allowed and denied files.
 public $allowed_mime_types = array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/tiff'); //array of allowed mime types used when check_file_type is set to allowed
 public $denied_mime_types = array('application/x-php', 'text/html'); //array of denied mime types used when check_file_type is set to denied
  * Check if the upload dir is valid, if it is not valid attempt to make the dir, if dir is succesfully created chmod it to 0777.
  * If any elments fail return false else set upload_dir and return true.
  * @param string $dir
  * @param boolean $mkdir
  * @return true or false
 public function upload_dir($dir, $mkdir = false) {
  $errors =& $this->errors;
  $status = true;
  if (!is_dir($dir)) {
   if ($mkdir) {
    if (!mkdir($dir)) {
     $status = false;
    } else {
     if (!chmod($dir, 0777)) $status = false;
   } else {
    $status = false;
  if ($status) {
   $this->upload_dir = $dir;
   return true;
  } else {
   $errors['general'][] = 'Upload Dir is Not Valid and/or a dir could not be created/chmod.';
   return false;
  * check that the upload dir is valid and that it is writeable
  * @param string $dir
  * @return true or false
 public function check_dir($dir) {
  if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir)) return false;
  return true;

  * make the uploaded file name safe
  * @param string $file_name
  * @return safe file name
 public function make_safe($file_name) {
  return str_replace(' ', '_', $file_name);
  * Check the Attemted Uploads for errors etc if everything goes good move the file, to the upload_dir.
  * @param array $object
  * @return unknown
 public function upload($object) {
  $errors =& $this->errors;
  if (empty($errors['general'])) {
   if (empty($this->upload_dir)) $this->upload_dir = dirname(__FILE__).'/'; //if no default upload_dir has been specified used the current dir.
   if ($this->check_dir($this->upload_dir)) {
    $files = $_FILES[$object];
    $count = count($files['name']) - 1;
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
    for ($current = 0; $current <= $count; $current++) {
     $error = '';
     try {
      //check for $_FILES Errors
      switch ($files['error'][$current]) {
       case 0 : break;
       case 1 : $error = $files['name'][$current].' exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; break;
       case 2 : $error = $files['name'][$current].' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; break;
       case 3 : $error = $files['name'][$current].' was only partially uploaded'; break;
       case 4 : $error = 'No file was uploaded'; break;
       case 6 : $error = 'Missing a temporary folder'; break;
       case 7 : $error = 'Failed to write '.$files['name'][$current].' to disk'; break;
       case 8 : $error = $files['name'][$current].' stopped by extension'; break;
       default : $error = 'Unidentified Error, caused by '.$files['name'][$current]; break;
      if ($error)
       throw new TrigerErrorException($error, $files['name'][$current]);
      //check that the file is not empty
      if ($files['size'][$current] <= 0)
       throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' is empty', $files['name'][$current]);
      //check that the file does not exceed the defined max_file_size
      if ($this->max_file_size) {
       if ($files['size'][$current] >= $this->max_file_size)
        throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' exceeds defined max_file_size', $files['name'][$current]);
      if ($this->check_file_type == 'allowed' && !in_array($files['type'][$current], $this->allowed_mime_types)) {
       throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' is not an allowed type', $files['name'][$current]);
      } elseif ($this->check_file_type == 'denied' && in_array($files['type'][$current], $this->denied_mime_types)) {
       throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' is a denied type', $files['name'][$current]);
      //if make_safe is true call make safe function  
      if ($this->make_safe)
       $files['name'][$current] = $this->make_safe($files['name'][$current]);
      //if overwrite is false and the file exists error
      if (!$this->overwrite && file_exists($this->upload_dir.$files['name'][$current]))
       throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' already exsists', $files['name'][$current]);
      //move the uploaded file, error if anything goes wrong.
      if (!move_uploaded_file($files['tmp_name'][$current], $this->upload_dir.$files['name'][$current]))
       throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' could not be moved', $files['name'][$current]);
     } catch (TrigerErrorException $e) {
      $errors[$files['name'][$current]][] = $e->Message();
    if (empty($errors)) {
     //return true if there where no errors
     return true;
    } else {
     //return the errors array if there where any errros
     return $errors;
   } else {
    //return false as dir is not valid
    $errors['general'][] = "The Specified Dir is Not Valid or is Not Writeable";
    return false;

 * Handle the Exceptions trigered by errors within upload code.
class TrigerErrorException extends Exception {
 protected $file = "";
 public function __construct($message, $file = "", $code = 0) {
  $this->file = $file;
     parent::__construct($message, $code);

   public function Message() {
  return "{$this->message}";

class Uploadimg{
 private $_fileName="";         //文件域名称 如 'userfile'
 private $_uploadDir = '';       //上传路径 如 ./upload/
 private $_config = array(
    'image/pjpeg','image/gif'),         //上传的类型
  'size'=>1,                     //文件最大容量单位是M
  'width'=>1000,                   //图片的最大宽度
  'height'=>800                   //图片的最大高度
  * 构造函数
  * @param string $fileName
  * @param string $uploadDir
  * @param array $config
 function __construct($fileName,$uploadDir,$config='')
  $this->_fileName = $fileName;
  $this->_uploadDir = $uploadDir;
  if($config == "" or empty($config) or !is_array($config)){
   $this->_config = $this->_config;
   $this->_config = $config;
  * 检测容量是否超过
  * @return boolean
 function checkSize()
  if($_FILES[$this->_fileName]['size'] > $this->_config['size']*1024*1024){
   return false;
   return true;
  * 获取图片信息
  * @return boolean
 function getInfo()
  return @getimagesize($_FILES[$this->_fileName]['tmp_name']);
  * 检测后缀名
  * @return boolean
 function checkExt()
  $imageInfo = $this->getInfo();
   return true;
   return false;
  * 获取后缀名
  * @return boolean
 function getExt()
  $imageInfo = $this->getInfo();
   case 'image/jpeg':$filenameExt = '.jpg';break;
   case 'image/jpg':$filenameExt = '.jpg';break;
   case 'image/pjpeg':$filenameExt = '.jpg';break;
   case 'image/gif':$filenameExt = '.gif';break;
  return $filenameExt;  
  * 检测尺寸
  * @return boolean
 function checkWh()
  $imageInfo = $this->getInfo();
  if(($imageInfo[0] > $this->_config['width']) or ($imageInfo[1] > $this->_config['height'])){
   return false;
   return true;
  * 上传一张图片
  * @return string or int
 function uploadSingleImage()
  if($this->checkSize() == false){
   return (-3); /*上传容量过大*/
  if($this->checkExt() == true){
   $filenameExt = $this->getExt();
   return (-2);  /*上传格式错误*/
  if($this->checkWh() == false){
   return (-1);  /*上传图片太宽或太高*/
  $file_new_name = date('YmdHis').$filenameExt;
  $file_new_name_upload = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/').$this->_uploadDir.$file_new_name;
   return $file_new_name;
   return (0); /*上传失败*/
  * 删除图片
  * @param string $imageName
  * @return boolen
 function delImage($imageName)
  $path = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/').$this->_uploadDir.$imageName;
  if(unlink($path) == true){
   return true;
   return false;

