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发布时间:2016-11-25 16:39

 代码如下 复制代码

class excel{

     * @访问私有
     * @无功串
    var $header = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"

     * @访问私有
     * @无功串
    var $footer = "</workbook>";

     * document lines (rows in an array)
     * @access private
     * @var array
    var $lines = array ();

     * @访问私有
     * @无功串
    var $worksheet_title = "table1";

     * @访问私有
     * @帕拉姆库马拉阵列一维阵列
     * @待办事项行创造应做减本-> addarray
    function addrow ($array) {

        // initialize all cells for this row
        $cells = "";
        // foreach key -> write value into cells
        foreach ($array as $k => $v):
         // 加个字符串与数字的判断 避免生成的 excel 出现数字以字符串存储的警告
         if(is_numeric($v)) {
          // 防止首字母为 0 时生成 excel 后 0 丢失
          if(substr($v, 0, 1) == 0) {
           $cells .= "<cell><data ss:type="string">" . $v . "</data></cell> ";
          } else {
           $cells .= "<cell><data ss:type="number">" . $v . "</data></cell> ";
         } else {
             $cells .= "<cell><data ss:type="string">" . $v . "</data></cell> ";


        // transform $cells content into one row
        $this->lines[] = "<row> " . $cells . "</row> ";


     * @访问公开
     * @帕拉姆库马拉数组二维数组
     * @待办事项可以转移到__construct()稍后
    function addarray ($array) {

        // run through the array and add them into rows
        foreach ($array as $k => $v):
            $this->addrow ($v);


     *检查的字符串不允许字符(: /?*),
     * @访问公开
     * @帕拉姆库马拉字符串$标题设计标题
    function setworksheettitle ($title) {

        // strip out special chars first
        $title = preg_replace ("/[\|:|/|?|*|[|]]/", "", $title);

        // now cut it to the allowed length
        $title = substr ($title, 0, 31);

        // set title
        $this->worksheet_title = $title;


     * @访问公开
     * @帕拉姆库马拉字符串$文件名名称的excel文件来生成(... xls)中
    function generatexml ($filename) {

        // deliver header (as recommended in php manual)
        header("content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=utf-8");
        header("content-disposition: inline; filename="" . $filename . ".xls"");

        // print out document to the browser
        // need to use strips教程lashes for the damn ">"
        echo stripslashes ($this->header);
        echo " <worksheet ss:name="" . $this->worksheet_title . ""> <table> ";
        echo "<column ss:index="1" ss:autofitwidth="0" ss:width="110"/> ";
        echo implode (" ", $this->lines);
        echo "</table> </worksheet> ";
        echo $this->footer;



 *  cakephp中使用方法
 *  注意 ** cakephp 配置文件 define('debug', 0);
 *  vendor ('excel');
 *  $doc = array (
 *       0 => array ('中国', '中国人', '中国人民', '123456');
 *  );
 *  $xls = new excel;
 *  $xls->addarray ( $doc );
 *  $xls->generatexml ("mytest");

 *  非框架使用方法
 *  require_once('excel.php');
 *  $doc = array (
 *       0 => array ('中国', '中国人', '中国人民', '123456');
 *  );
 *  $xls = new excel;
 *  $xls->addarray ( $doc );
 *  $xls->generatexml ("mytest");

 代码如下 复制代码
$fname = $_files['myfile']['name'];
$do = copy($_files['myfile']['tmp_name'],$fname);
if ($do){
echo "";


 代码如下 复制代码

error_reporting(0);// 导入csv格式的文件
$connect=mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("could not connect to database");
mysql_select_db("gklqtzcx",$connect) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_query("set names 'gbk'");
$fname = $_files['myfile']['name'];
$q="insert into records (name,classes,a_time,college,notify,receiver,r_time,handler) values ('$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]','$data[4]','$data[5]','$data[6]','$data[7]','$data[8]')";
mysql_query($q) or die (mysql_error());
echo "<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=list.php">1秒钟转入列表页,请稍等."

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo"".$_server["php_self"].""; ?>" method="post">
<p>导入cvs数据 <input name="myfile" type="file"> <input value="提交" type="submit">

 代码如下 复制代码

$conn = new com("adodb.connection");
$connstr = "driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)}; dbq=". realpath("data/db.mdb");

$rs = new com("adodb.recordset");
$rs->open("select * from szd_t",$conn,1,1);
while(! $rs->eof)
$f = $rs->fields(1);
echo $f->value;



 代码如下 复制代码

 * created on 2010-4-21
 * the class for control mysql
 * made by s71ence
 * @$host
 * @$user_name
 * @$user_pwd
 * @$data_base
 * @$coding
 class mysql
 private $host;//主机名
 private $user_name;//用户名
 private $user_pwd;//密码
 private $data_base;//数据库名
 private $coding;//编码

//构造函数 进行初始化操作
 function __construct($host,$user_name,$user_pwd,$data_base,$coding)

 * 数据库
 * 基本方法

 function connect()
  $link=mysql_connect($this->host,$this->user_name,$this->user_pwd) or die($this->error());
  mysql_select_db($this->data_base,$link) or die("无法连接数据库".$this->data_base);
  mysql_query("set names '$this->coding'");

 function error()
  return mysql_error();

 function query($sql, $type = '')
     if(!($query = mysql_query($sql)))
   $this->show('say:', $sql);

  //echo $sql."<br/>";//测试完成后 注释
     return $query;

 function show($message = '', $sql = '')
   echo $message;
   echo $message.'<br>'.$sql;

    function affected_rows()
  return mysql_affected_rows();

 function result($query, $row)
  return mysql_result($query, $row);

 function num_rows($query)
  return @mysql_num_rows($query);

 function num_fields($query)
  return mysql_num_fields($query);

 function free_result($query)
  return mysql_free_result($query);

 function insert_id()
  return mysql_insert_id();

 function fetch_row($query)
  return mysql_fetch_row($query);

 function version()
  return mysql_get_server_info();

 function fetch_array($result)
  return mysql_fetch_array($result);

 function close()
  return mysql_close();

 * 数据库
 * 功能方法

 * insert方法
 *  $table 表名
 * $fields 字段名
 * $value 字段值

 function fn_insert($table,$fields,$values)
  return $this->query("insert into $table ($fields) values ($values)");

 * select方法
 *  $table 表名
 * $fields 字段名
 * $condition 查询条件
 * $order 排序条件
 * $limit 取出条数
 function fn_select($table,$fields,$condition,$order,$limit)
  $query="select $fields from $table";

   $query.=" where $condition";

   $query.=" order by $order ";

   $query.=" limit $limit";

  return $this->query($query);

 * delete方法
 * $table 表名
 * $fields 字段名
 * $values 字段值
 function fn_delete($table,$condition)
  return $this->query("delete from $table where $condition");

 * update方法
 * $table 表名
 * $fields 字段名
 * $values 字段值
 function fn_update($table,$set,$condition)
  $sql="update $table set $set";
   $sql.=" where $condition";

  return $this->query($sql);

 * 析构函数,垃圾回收
 function __destruct()
  //echo "clear";


 代码如下 复制代码

 $db =  new mysql('','username','password','databasename',"utf8");


    $db = new pdo("odbc:driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)};dbq=".getcwd()."\acc.php",'aaa','123456'); //getcwd()函数是获取当前路径
    //echo "connected ";

 date_default_timezone_set('asia/shanghai'); //北京时间
  $v="测试".date("y-m-d h:i:s")."添加的内容";
  $db->exec("insert into table1(topic) values('$v')");//插入
  //echo $db->lastinsertid(); //不支持
  $rs=$db->query("select * from table1"); //选择
  echo $row[id]."-".$row[topic]."<br>";

   } catch (exception $e) {
     //echo "failed:".$e->getmessage();

